Post 4: What's like to study______?


  • What you study
  • Why did you choose this career?
  • What's to study this career online like today?
  •  Word count: 200 words
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I study sociology at Universidad de Chile in the Social Science Faculty. I choose this career because I’m interested in learning about social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. And becoming a sociologist I would be able to investigate the structure of groups, organizations, and societies and how people interact within these contexts.

Today and due to the pandemic, my classes are online. The online classes have been difficult especially in the interaction with my professors and classmates. Being hours in front of a screen is also very tiring as we have many subjects to take as part of the career program. My learning process gets harder because it is not easy to have class discussions and ask questions while the professors are lecturing. The latter makes me feel uncomfortable many times.

Since these online classes began last year, I have not been able to make friends among my classmates and most of the time I have to study and solve some study issues on my own, not sure I have the correct answers to them.

I only hope that this situation will end soon and I will be back to a normal study situation at the faculty.


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