POSTING 2: The best holidays ever

·         When was it?

·         Where did you go?

·         How long was it?

·         Who did you go with?

·         What activities did you do?

·         Why was it the best so far?

·         Add any relevant information

·         Upload pictures

Make comments on 3of your classmate’s posts

Word count: 170 words

 Chile-Frutillar-Producciones Vicari.(Juan Franco Lazzarini) - YouTube


 My best holiday, the one I remember very well, took place when I was a child. My family and I went to Frutillar to a ranch on the mountain. We spent about a week here. We took several short trips to different places around the Llanquihue Lake, Puerto Varas and even we went as far as Petrohue.
Petrohue is a wonderful place, its colorful water is gorgeous, and it falls with such strength that its current moves at very high speed.
The lake is also a beautiful place; it is lake an ocean in the middle of the mountain. All surroundings in this area are marvelous.
The thing I remember the most is one the owner of the ranch, where we were staying, brought a whole cow which they cooked for many hours early in the morning. This was awesome. By lunch time, we all began to eat the meat and I think we did not stop eating until 5 or 6 in the evening. I guess this was the longer lunch I have ever had in my life.
I had a great time with my entire family that this holiday I will never forget.


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